Temporary Structure/Foundation
HëavyFörmWörks Web Archive
of New Fantasy Structures*
HideoutONE is a temporary structure that will exist for as long as is needed to craft the foundational elements of the HeavyFormWorks Universe. HideOutOne fulfills an essential need as a container for both fantastic and physical resources beneficial to the holdings of HeavyFormWorks shareholders.
HideOutONE is an essential structure in that it assists in the quest to answer questions such as "So, what is happening here?"
The raw structure of HideoutONE encloses the theory, ideas, and energy that shape HeavyFormWorks.
No phones are allowed inside the Enclosure to allow unencumbered passage of thought.
HideOutONE Opening Hours:
T: - 3:00-6:00PM
W: - 11:00AM - 9:00PM
T: - 3:00 - 6:00PM
F: - 3:00 - 6:00PM
PLATE 01: Empty space prior to construction sequence.
PLATE 02: Early HideOutOne build with the Fellowship of the Build.
PLATE 03: Functional early stage of HideOutONE early completion exactly six months behind schedule.
Composed by: PTA HAITI 3000
Recorded by: PTA HAITI 3000, Luke Annand, Jessica Lehrman,
Myles McGrady, Leor Feit, & Marcus Arman
Recorded at: HideOutONE (California, USA)
Produced by HeavyFormWorks™ and HighWizardry.Org
©℗ 2019 HeavyFormWorks™ Publishing
Manufactured by HighWizardry.Org Inc Productions
PO Box 9388 Los Angeles CA 90012
Distributed by PTA HAITI 3000
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the U.S.A.